Best Effort Internet

AlignTec provides residential (or consumer-class) internet service which is offered on a "best-effort" basis. We do understand how frustrating networking and connection issues can be in this day and age when much of our daily lives are so deeply intertwined with the web, which is why it is so important to understand the nature of the service you subscribe to. Residential or consumer-grade internet service is offered by most ISPs (internet service providers) on a "best-effort" basis as compared to business-grade internet where an agreement to standard service levels is guaranteed. 

One significant difference between residential/consumer and business/enterprise connections is what is called an SLA (service level agreement). These types of agreements provide service-level guarantees and provisions for reparations if an agreed service level is not met. Notwithstanding, SLAs also come with a hefty price tag. In addition, the burden of proof typically falls to the client (usually a network administrator) once the ISP has verified connectivity.

Redundancy is another difference. Many folks are working from home these days and we sometimes get asked whether we can guarantee uptime and speed… our answer is always no. While we work very hard at offering a reliable, stable service, we will tell individuals who must rely on a constant internet connection to secure a secondary connection with a different ISP with a fail-over device so that if one connection goes down the service will continue over the secondary internet connection.

To gain a better understanding of this industry-standard we hope you will find the following links informative:

As well, please refer to our service terms and network maintenance policies for additional information about AlignTec services and policies.

AlignTec Acceptable Use Policy

AlignTec Network Management Disclosure

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